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메디퓨처(주), 제 69회 CMEF춘계전시회 (CMEF SHENZHEN 2013) 참가

관리자 2022-05-27 조회수 286

메디퓨처㈜, CMEF 춘계전시회 참가

국내 유일의 여성 헬스케어 전문기업 메디퓨처(주)가 4월 17일 부터 20일까지 중국 심천에서 열리는

 '제69회 CMEF춘계전시회 (CMEF SHENZHEN 2013)'에 참가합니다. 

SFDA인증 획득에 이은 본격적인 현지 마케팅과 중국 현지에서 메디퓨처 브랜드 이미지를 높이기 위함입니다.

• 명칭 : 제69회 CMEF춘계전시회 (CMEF SHENZHEN 2013)

• 기간 : 2013. 4. 17 (수) ~ 20 (토)

• 장소 : Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center

• Booth : Hall 2, H56

China International Medicinal Equipment Fair (CMEF), founded in 1979, is held twice a year - spring and autumn. After 30 years of continuous innovation and self-improvement, CMEF has become the largest exhibition of medical equipment, related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The exhibition widely covers ten thousands of products such as medical imaging, in vitro diagnosis, electronics, optics, first aid, rehabilitation nursing, medical information technology and outsourcing services, and it provides services to the entire medical industry chain from the source to the end of the medical equipment industry in a direct and all-round way.

 MEDI-FUTURE is a global healthcare IT company dedicated to women's breast care.

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    TEL : +82-31-8018-5140

    FAX : +82-31-8018-5141

    E-mail : sales@medi-future.com