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메디퓨처(주), 브라질 의료기기 전시회 (Hospitalar 2013) 참가

관리자 2022-05-27 조회수 313

메디퓨처㈜, 브라질 의료기기 전시회 (Hospitalar 2013) 참가

국내 유일의 여성 헬스케어 전문기업 메디퓨처(주)가 2013년5월 21일부터 24일까지 

브라질 상파울루에서 열리는 '브라질 의료기기 전시회 (Hospitalar 2013)'에 참가합니다. 

이번 전시를 통해 신제품 Brestige Premium을 남미지역에 선보이게 되며, 

남미지역에서의 가망 딜러 발굴과 함께 새로운 시장을 찾기 위함입니다.

• 명칭 : 브라질 의료기기 전시회 (Hospitalar 2013)

• 기간 : 2013. 5. 21 ~ 5. 24

• 장소 : Brazil Sao Paulo Expo Centre Norte

• Booth : White Hall C42A

HOSPITALAR is a multi-sector trade fair, featuring 1,250 Brazilian and international exhibitors, launching products or services and meeting potential and already existing clients. The fair displays from the most sophisticated state-of-the-art medical technology up to more practical equipment, using local and less advanced solutions, all of these in a wide variety of alternatives in quality and prices.

The most complete medical exhibition for Latin America

HOSPITALAR is the most complete and specialized healthcare fair in Brazil and Latin America. The fair is to be considered as the platform for new technologies, thus representing a great opportunity to know products and services and updating for hospitals, health clinics and laboratories.

Thousands of items used in the healthcare sector can be seen at HOSPITALAR, where visitors get familiarized with their application and technical details in a direct interaction with the suppliers.

 MEDI-FUTURE is a global healthcare IT company dedicated to women's breast care.

 Create Women's Health and Beauty

  • 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 62번길 37,1505호 (상대원동, 스타타워)

    TEL : +82-31-8018-5140

    FAX : +82-31-8018-5141

    E-mail : sales@medi-future.com